深圳广州到法国巴黎国际汽运 公司中部安全通道由在我国华南地区阿拉山口/霍尔果斯/巴克图 口岸出国,关键吸引住我国华南地区,华南地区与欧洲地区间的进出口贸易一手货源;,在多种交通运输方式中,短距离跨境公路运输因速度快、可装载的货物种类多,成为国际进出口企业热衷的运输选择。公司成立初期就开始使用这条运输走廊,目前公司配备了各种现代化车辆,单车载重量可达26吨,完全适合短距离跨境运输需求。该公司承运出口中国的货物主要包括棉纱、,优势:灵活机动,简单快捷、应急性强,投资比较少,收效比较快,时效相对较快。不足:载重不是很大,重量高达十几二十吨的大机器不太适合,费用成本相对于海运和铁路运输要贵一些。,得益于交通基础设施改善,嘉瑞福公司出口运输有棚车 恒温车运输。
Shenzhen Guangzhou to Paris, France International Automobile Transportation Khorgos Outbound France Cross border transportation by refrigerated truck
The safe passage from Shenzhen Guangzhou to the middle of Paris International Automobile Transport Company in France is going abroad at the Alataw Pass/Khorgos/Bachtu Port in South China, which is the key to attracting the primary source of goods for import and export trade between South China and Europe;, Among various modes of transportation, short distance cross-border road transportation has become a popular transportation choice for international import and export enterprises due to its fast speed and wide variety of goods that can be loaded. The company started using this transportation corridor in the early stages of its establishment. Currently, the company is equipped with various modern vehicles, with a single vehicle load capacity of up to 26 tons, which is fully suitable for short distance cross-border transportation needs. The company mainly undertakes the export of goods to China, including cotton yarn, with advantages such as flexibility, simplicity and speed, strong emergency response, relatively low investment, fast efficiency, and relatively fast delivery time. Shortcomings: The load capacity is not very large, and large machines weighing up to ten or twenty tons are not suitable. The cost is relatively higher compared to sea and railway transportation., Thanks to the improvement of transportation infrastructure, Jiaruifu Company has box cars and constant temperature vehicles for export transportation.